Suhaili Binti Ahmad Hadiatullah Maknun
2. How old are you?
20 years old
3. What are the 3 electronics you can't live without?
my PC - handphone - my camera(but dah hilang)
4. Are you amazing?
i dont think so...
5. What is the brand of the phone you are using?
Sony Ericsson
6. What color is your phone?
black and red
7. Have you slept in school before?
of course yes....
8. How long are you online in a day?
till there is nothing to do..
9. How would you describe yourself?
Emotional, talkative , not a girl another girl wanna be friends with...
10. What's your favourite topic to talk about?
everything la kot.... hahaha...
11. Which teacher do you like?
if now... maybe Pn Azizah... my quantitative lec....
12. Who do you think is the most handsomest in your class?
no one....hahaha....sorry guys...
13. Who are you currently aiming on? hikhik....
14. Do you know a lot of your siblings' secret?
15. How do you rate your siblings?
they can't be rated la... they are the best....
16. Are your siblings gorgeous?
hahahah... we look mesti la....
17. Do you judge people?
18. Do you run?
for now... dkt gym je la...
19. Are you lazy to tag people?
no... but no one tag me... :(
20. Who was the last person you spoke on the phone?
the guy from the optical store...
21. What is 2 + 2?
22. Who is your idol?
my dearest mummy.....
23. Are you a monster?
hahaha.... i dunno... ask my friends...
24. Do you play with Barbie dolls?
yes...but mase kecik la..
25. What was the last movie you watched?
to be honest.... i dun remember...hahahaha....Segamat xde movie kot....
26. What do you think of your English?
blh thn je...
27. What do you think about your Bahasa Malaysia?
mesti la terbaek...!! hahaha
28. Who do you hate?
some girls.....
29. Do you love yourself?
every single moment..
30. Blurt out 5 random words